Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Random DOTA Facts

(for v6.66b)

- Both the Illusion rune and the Double Damage rune will NOT affect your hero when you’re magic immune (beware BKB and N’aix users!)

- Zeus’ Thundergod’s Wrath does not damage isolated invisible enemies but you’ll gain the vision of them for a few seconds. [Vision of the place where the enemy was when spell was used]

- If a unit bottles a rune, and still has that rune 1:59 minutes after bottling, and becomes Doomed, Astral-Imprisoned or somehow paused, they will not use the rune and will instead drop it at their current position.

- When using Mirana’s leap there is a 0.001 second windwalk in the beginning of the animation, therefore it can be used to dodge any oncomming projectile if the enemy does not have true sight on you.

- Eye of Skadi, Quelling Blade, Stout Shield, and Poor Man’s Shield do a check to see if the carrying hero is ranged or melee at the moment the item is picked up/bought, and the item will be in either ranged or melee form. If a melee hero changes to ranged, or viceversa, the item will remain with it’s melee stats.This is not true for Cranium Basher thou, since the check is done at the moment of proc.

- Fog of war updates every .4 seconds. So if you blink into the fog and use echo slam/Qop scream/heat seeking missle too early, it you can miss due to the fact you haven’t seen the enemy yet.

- You are able to use Wind Walk while teleporting using Boots of Travel, and will show up at your destination invisible.

- Storm Spirit can use spells during Ball Lightning. This includes Static Remnant or you could even use Ball Lightning during Ball Lightning!

- Treant Protector is the only hero that can force towers/buildings to regenerate using living armor. It also gives extra armor to the building for the duration.

- Nortrom’s Last Word gets disabled if he himself is silenced. In other words, if Nortrom is silenced, he won’t be able to silence other’s with his Last Word.

- Manually casting orb spells have greater range than auto-casting them.

- You can buy items while teleporting without breaking the channel.

- Assault Cuirass’s +/- armor aura works on buildings!

- You can use lothar’s edge while channeling spells without breaking the channel.

- Your allies can teleport on Undying’s Tombstone.

- While Glyph is activated every hit deals 1 dmg. to buildings

- Axe gets extra 0.01 mana regen because counter helix is based off brilliance aura.

- This can also be attributed as just a coincidence but the two heroes introduced in 6.66 were based off the Icefrog concept… Ancient Apparition (Ice) + Slark (Frog) == Icefrog!

(for v6.68c)

- Nevermore souls do not add for killing enemy with his ulti (Requiem of Souls).

- Diffusal’s Purge can be used to destroy Gyrocopter’s Homing Missile.

- Ghost Scepter, if activated after getting hit by Venomancer’s Poison Nova, removes it completely. If the Scepter was activated before getting hit by Poison Nova, the damage gets amplified.

- Enigma’s Black Hole can stop the enemy fountain.

- Ghost Form can avoid Techies’ land mines and suicide damage.

- Nortrom can steal enemy intelligence even when his opponent’s INT falls to zero. (thereby giving him -1, -2… INT)

- Rylai’s aura stops working when she is invisible.

- [Morphling] Right Clicking somewhere while in waveform distorts the waveform while elongating it.

- You can use items while in Omnislash. eg. dagon, orchid malevolance, healing salve, etc.

source : http://dotasecrets.wordpress.com/

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